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I love being around people who are expressive, and not just overtly, I mean being willing to express what is beneath the surface.

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I am a photographer by trade and by passion, have some wonderful friends throughout this nation, and enjoy thoughtful and informative conversation and I also have a traveling soul.

I have worked as a portrait photographer for a few years now, enjoying the unique stories written on the faces I see. Landscapes of beautiful nature and harsh realities intrigue me and I share these moments caught with you.

In portraiture when someone asks what I can do for them, I tell them, 'I work to bring out the best of what they bring me.' Sharing in a still frame that moment, their character and the beauty that can be seen within and brought out.

I am a photographer because I have always been fascinated by sharing that moment frozen in time. I first grabbed my mothers camera at the age of 8, saying to her, 'No mom, you're doing it wrong.' Promptly showing her the wisdom of an 8 year old photographers composition skill. My first photography teacher, Tim Szalay (a former photographer for the Smithsonian Magazine), was passionate about the theory and emotions caught more than the technical side. I was caught in the wonder of it all and have been ever since.

I have been inspired by both my environment and my family. My grandfather, Paul Forster, was an oil painter, his deeply colored work would make people pause and study a vividness and attitude hardly caught by others. Moments of peoples homes in Tonga, where poverty and paradise are holding hands; a Navaho woman at her loom or herding the sheep. His hard life helped shape his intense images that always held more than mere shape.

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